Sunday, November 20, 2011


Gazing requires more than glimpsing. Paying attention requires more than a passing glance. Seeing dew on a dandelion or goodness in a person is the same thing. It means to put forth an effort, stooping down to really hear what is being said, to truly see what is revealed, to gaze longingly, deeply, and with open eyes.

We live in a world where images appear like blips. Data, messages, and news come at us like lightening. What we are subjected to on a daily basis often requires that we continuously filter out worthless thoughts, information, and images. Often it is at the expense of filling our heads with beauty, clarity, and thoughts that help us to grow, to learn about love, or to just become closer to becoming the person we were created to be. 

So ....does becoming better at paying attention to things like dew or other little details  mean that we lose sight of the big picture? The age old question of being unable to see the forest for the trees? I am not sure. Balance is always important. But my goal is to spend more time paying attention to possible cues, possible sources of delight, and to opportunities that just might point me in the direction of something I need to see. 

"All great and beautiful work has come of first gazing without shrinking into the darkness."John Ruskin


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