Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Within and Without: A Dramatic Poem Part III
And weep not, though the Beautiful decay...
Within thy heart, as daily in thine eyes;
Thy heart must have its autumn, its pale skies,
Leading, mayhap, to winter's dim dismay.
Yet doubt not. Beauty doth not pass away;
Her form departs not, though her body dies.
Secure beneath the earth the snowdrop lies,
Waiting the spring's young resurrection-day,
Through the kind nurture of the winter cold.
Nor seek thou by vain effort to revive
The summer-time, when roses were alive;
Do thou thy work-be willing to be old:
Thy sorrow is the husk that doth infold
A gorgeous June, for which thou need'st not strive

                                            -George MacDonald

what more can I say? this expresses all that is tangled inside. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September Rain

"Alas!       How  easily things go wrong!
A sigh too deep, or a kiss too long,
Ant then comes a mist and a weeping rain,
And life is never the same again. "                        -George MacDonald

The world is in such a state that the weeping rain outside my window seems to be the appropriate soundtrack. Crazy evil in Europe and the Middle East-satisfying, fulfilling prophecy, some would say-so many young people dying senselessly, needlessly, wasting potential and health, and goodness that this world could use a lot more of.

People in exile walking from country to country in hopes of better, safer, and more normal lives.   Others staying put, and enduring much- hoping the rescuers will come and the bombing will stop. So normal can be meal-preparation and scolding the children, and complaining about laundry. But normal for now is walking many miles in rain and with hunger-toward a new beginning and away from what was known

And meanwhile the Pope comes to America and so does the tsar of Russia and the President of China- emerging all on soil of a people who have lost interest. For now, as long as there is a normal that includes soccer, and Halloween costume shopping and video games, there is no need to notice that things are changing everywhere and maybe even here.

The gloomy world news and the gloomy day make me think about hope and sunshine and redemption. Eternal things "Sun's up, uuh huh, looks okay. The world survives into another day. And I'm thinking about eternity. " -Bruce Cockburn song spinning around in my head because really on days like today, it is perfectly acceptable to daydream about eternity. When there are no more reports of man's inhumanity to man, or cancer in babies and young mothers, stabbings, or poverty. It is okay to dream of something better and less messy.

The rain will eventually stop, the news can just be turned off for now, but with September's end comes colorful October and a last chance for warm days before winter sets in with its unforgiving biting wind. Usually gloomy days don't inspire me- I want to sleep and read and drink tea and eat not because I am hungry but because I need comforting- as we all do these days.  

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Day Light Ending

There is that light at the end of the day- you know what I mean-It is sad and yet hopeful -the shadows move -dance even.

I took a walk around the house at dusk and there were smells of fresh mown grass and budding flowers.

The lilacs have gone brown, but new irises appear.

Little chippy peeks out to pose for a photo. He loves the seeds the birds drop from the feeder.
Even he knows about the light at the end of the day. Basking in that light for just a minute more, then he scurries back into his hiding place-cheeks stuffed- ready for evening rest.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

April Come What May

April already!

Snow bird must fly home
To winter still
Unrelenting this year

Managing to escape its icy grip
Leaves me grateful and a little guilty.

The rose garden is so  pleasant to look at until
the thorn jabs deep into skin
Hold on to its beauty and
Taking home the thought of it
When there is all that white upon arrival. 

the yellows and reds and deep green 
I leave behind for now.

The long road ahead
Weary at just thought
the desserts and plains and mountains and prairies and
all that must be crossed before home
emerges white and eager.