Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Autumn Approaching

The light is different
Shadows take new shapes
Color is emerging slowly
                     Gardens are getting ready for slumber

Tomato plants laden and chairs hold the ones we will eat tonight
                 A cloud angel hovers over the house-
                                the only white in a clear blue sky.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


"The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been."-- Madeleine L'Engle

A friend sent this photo and at first I didn't recognize myself. I instantly saw the wrinkles and the graying hair, the sagging neck, and sorrow behind the eyes. The me I want to be is younger and smoother and joyful.

Like how I looked when I graduated from high school (minus the braces on my teeth!)

 But that was 40 years ago!

 I recently attended my 40th high school reunion and realized that decades have passed and there is so much time unaccounted for! While I was living out my life, time was taking its toll.
I carry within me my first decade- my childhood surrounded by sisters and laughter and summers at the lake. Second decade- joy and sorrow and teenage goofiness. Decade three spent forming a family, trying to survive, making sense of my place, finding creativity, growing up. The fourth and fifth decades spent mostly exploring and re-positioning my ideals and longings. Now, as I quickly approach the sixth decade, age is trying to make its claim. Mostly, I try not to think about it. I try to do things that make me feel ageless, like swimming, working with children,  and dancing alone to the music of Van Morrison in my living room. But this photo unretouched by photo shop tells the real story. And it is really OK. Because with the passage of time has come experience, gain and loss, joy and sorrow, many precious friends and memories, and a life lived
 simply and authentically .