Thursday, November 29, 2012


"It just ain't possible to explain some things. It's interesting to wonder on them and do some speculation, but the main thing is you just have to accept it-take it for what it is, and get on with your growing."
-Jim Dodge  

I wonder about a bunch of things , like man's inhumanity to man, like why are there so many questions without satisfying answers and why hard working people have to choose between food and heat and why people who don't lift a finger to support themselves have all they could desire as well as all they need. I wonder also about how fiber optics work and how it is possible to comprehend and communicate in several languages.

Today, my wondering came from an experience I had with my job hunting. I had a first interview earlier in the week, and was called back this morning for a "working interview".
Something that is common for teachers of young children. You go in and read a book or do an art project or whatever fits in with the little amount of information you get from the director about their expectations. It is mostly to determine a teacher's ability to interact with children. So, I went to the library. spent several hours choosing the perfect book, carefully chose what to wear, and went through rehearsals, got up early and showed up at the appointed time.

Fifteen minutes after I was supposed to be there, the director came in and had forgotten all about our appointment. She asked if we could reschedule for next week. OK, I said.

So what is this all about? It made me begin to wonder if I  should go back. Do I want to work somewhere that an employee's (or even a potential employee's) time is not respected? 

Anyway, I will "get on with my growing" and wonder about all that next week. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot...

I am a guest in my sister's home this winter. So, I had to be selective about what I brought with me. I have so much Christmas accumulation from many years of creating and gifting, so when I thought about what I really wanted for the holidays, I chose handmade gifts  from my children. Molly made this precious Nativity crayon drawing when she was six years old. She carefully poked holes in the sky with a tiny pin so that when it is put in a window, it looks like stars in the sky. It is one of my most prized possessions. One I would rescue from a burning house. So it is now in my guest room window for me to look at all  through this holiday season.

And then there is this Christmas poem written by Samuel  in second grade.
 It says:
 A Cinquain
Angels, God
Loving, Hugging, Praying
Like a Spirit Lover.

This too, irreplaceable, written in a child's scrawl with all the wisdom of a sage.

And then there is this simple message, also made by Sam, with his grandfather's help from hand sanded blocks of wood. Love its simplicity!

And finally, a wee Christmas Tree and Elf made of leather to complete my Christmas decor!

Having to pare down to the most basic, most important, most treasured has been lovely! I missed out on Black Friday and will bow out on Cyber Monday today. I will enjoy sewing a few simple gifts and focus instead on the real meaning of Christmas- one I think my children knew best and remind me perfectly in these small treasures!  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More Thankful

thank you God for this most amazing by E. E. Cummings
i thank You God for this most amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday;this is the birth
day of life and love and wings:and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any-lifted from the no
of all nothing-human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

November Gratitude Project

November is the month of Thanksgiving
It is a good time to be mindful of all there is to be thankful for.
And I do have so much to be thankful for. Really.
Even though I have been unemployed or underemployed for the past couple of years and though money is scarce, I am OK. Really.

I have enough to eat, I am warm enough, and I have wonderful people in my life that make me feel loved.

But there are times when I get discouraged and wonder how long before things turn around and I get that great job that is out there somewhere. The one that pays the bills.
The one where I get to laugh and be joyful-at least part of the day anyway.

Gratitude takes away that grumbling pensiveness and brings back my focus to what really matters.  With gratitude-for today and all of its wonderful possibilities!