Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Future???

For a few quarters I could have gotten Zoltan to tell me my future. I was out of quarters when I saw this funny machine in the lobby of a fast food place. It might have been fun to lose a few quarters to see if the machine was even still working. I imagined that whatever came out printed on paper would be similar to a fortune cookie.
 Anyway, they say that a lot of those things become self-fulfilling prophecy and you think about whatever the fortune says and make it happen for yourself by merely believing. 
I am not sure of these things. The future seems uncertain this year. Changes have been forced on me-partly because of the economy and partly because of  choices made in the past that were without the benefit of Zoltan's knowledge of the future of real estate or stocks.
 Who knows what this year will bring? The Mayans calendar says the world will end this year and if they are right, there's a lot of living to do between now and December.   
Every moment we live is a gift. And not even Zoltan can tell me how many moments are left in my life account. So, each day, I accept the grace, the strength, the joy, the decisions, and the surprises that are presented to me.
Trying always to find the balance between doing the work at hand and resting in the work already done.  And finding balance between doing and waiting, dreaming and living in the present, and paying attention to important stuff and trashing the junk not worth keeping.  

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