In the middle of this busy week, I went to visit a friend after work. Her house was beautifully decorated for the holidays-handmade presents under the tree, craft projects she and her son had made scattered about, and light pouring in the windows. Over a cup of tea, we talked incessantly about everything under the sun. We could have gone on for hours without pause.
Her sweet son woke up from his nap with a smile that could melt even the hardest of hearts. He is good at jokes even though he is only four years old. He gets what is funny. He finds joy in the sound of words. He laughed at the word "picky". He joined our conversation intelligently ( uncommon for a four year old normally) without interrupting-a common thing in children who haven't mastered the pause and turn taking in conversation.
He expressed a generosity of spirit that comes from being raised by parents who are loving and intentional in their parenting.
He stayed and kept me company while his mom went and gathered avocados from their tree for me to take home. We laughed about creating a "desk-tidy" from toilet paper rolls and we talked about Christmas.
I gathered my avocados and felt the warmth of that visit all the way home.
Jeanne, you are a blessing in our lives. You brought tears of happiness to my eyes this morning. Thank you dear friend. Merry Christmas!