"The old year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The new year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months!"
-Edward Payson Powell

It is New Year's Eve and time to make resolutions. Changes to make.
I will be glad to say adios to 2011. I will be very happy to say good-bye to a year that was difficult at times and a lot more about survival than thriving.
So what changes do I make to move from survival to thriving???
Dance more, sing off-key to the radio in the car, ease up on myself and everyone else, be gracious, be more generous, wait patiently in lines, say thank you for every gift-even smiles and people being patient with me, create whenever possible, say hello without worrying about reactions, take risks occasionally, open myself to every possibility.
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