"So she poured out the liquid music of her voice to quench the thirst of his spirit. " ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
Song is in the air. Singing is everywhere. Even last night when we were touring the streets in San Diego where everyone goes overboard with the lights and decor, several houses had large screen tvs set up outside with karoke Christmas songs and children and adults were singing with microphones. Most were off key.
Occasionally, there is a voice that is so sweet and pure, it has you stop in your tracks. And it quenches the thirst of the spirit. I heard a child singing quietly to herself in the corner of my classroom this week. She was on key-hitting all the right notes-and not even three years old. I stopped what I was doing to listen. The junk inside me subsided. The angst ball moving toward me rolled away. There was no brilliant light pouring into the room coupled with the hallelujah chorus, but I didn't need that. The sweet notes coming from the corner were enough to soothe my weary soul.
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