Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014

   These trees taken from a fast moving car blur like the year just gone past.

Dec 31 2014

Here it is the last day of the year and I am not writing out resolutions this year- seeking rather to find REAL SOLUTIONS for my life- breaking away from oppression and all the other things that weigh me down and keep me from flying-

I would like to say that I am fine, but my health and my dreams tell me that I am not. I have many unresolved issues in my life and relationships that need to be forsaken. I have dreams to make real and life changes to make happen. But I will not make any resolutions this year. I want to live in the moment;  And this moment, cold and windy in Las Vegas, is where I am now. Once more, living not in my own home, but as a guest in another home-waiting for the chance to be restored to my own, which is now cold and closed up-waiting patiently for my return.
And in this moment, there is a flu bug to defeat. A nasty invasion that demands my attention and clogs my thinking. And at this moment, there is a new year to contemplate. A year of hopeful changes, and perhaps an end to all this nomadic living. A time to settle down and stay in one place for a change.
Thankful for all the good things that happened in 2014, but also thankful that this year is over. 
No more waxing poetic or  trying to make sense of the things that didn't make sense or work out, or come together. Instead, moving on, picking myself up, dusting myself off and starting all over again.
Welcome 2015!  I hope you bring joy, and peace, and wisdom, and fun, and new experiences!
I hope you treat this old warrior kindly! Bring me what you will, and take from me what needs to go away, and hold me up, and if you do your best, I will not make a resolve to do my best
I will live each moment as it comes, and hope to look back next year with a smile!

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