Thursday, October 25, 2012


There is clearing in the woods across the street from our house. Someone bought a narrow strip of land that had been on the market for a while and have begun cutting down trees so they can build a house. So we went for a walk to check out the progress and to introduce ourselves to the new neighbors.

    There was a glint of something shiny and we kept walking because the new neighbors weren't there. Amazingly, there is a lovely little body of water bigger than a small pond but smaller than a lake-only yards from our front door.

In all the time that we have lived in our house, we never knew it was there! It was quiet except for the birdsong and frog peeping, and lush with color!


So we went to tell our friends about our wonderful discovery. And this is their reply:

"Oh, that old beaver bog? What you never knew that was there? Why, it has been there for ages!"

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