I found this newspaper clipping in an old book I was planning to donate to the library book sale. I was amazed that newspapers printed stories about children at play. I remember the day well. It was a typical Maine summer day. There were no video games then, and it was a punishment to stay inside (TV was not an option!).
It was a time when it was still safe to roam the neighborhood and come up with our own entertainment from early morning until lunch, and then we were off again until dusk. I imagine a newspaper photographer driving around our sleepy suburb looking for a story about how people were enjoying the gorgeous day, or maybe he or she was hoping for some real news to get the first scoop on. Anyway, I was happy to find the clipping because it is proof that I was lucky enough enough to have had the kind of childhood where singing with my sisters was news-worthy!
Oh, I love that picture and accompanying story! You look the same, too! Thank you for sharing...missing you :)