Saturday, March 2, 2013


New pink buds appear on the peach tree.

The fragrance from the lemon tree is sweet and pungent at the same time.

Wind lovingly messes the hair of the palm in front of deep blue.

Pale blue  against green in several hues.

Plants set outside adjust to the outdoor temperatures and respond cheerfully.

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold:When it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade."
-Charles Dickens

This is March and soon Spring will replace winter. That always make me happy because try as I might, I really don't like winter. 

Soon, I will experience the East Coast version of Spring. But for now, I will bask in the warmth and enjoy the subtle changes of this most lovely slight rotation of the Earth's axis.

"Every day that is born into the world comes like a burst
of music and rings the whole day through, and you will make of it a dance, a dirge, or a life march, as you will"
-Thomas Carlyle